From spirit wear to photo albums and food shopping to shopping in your jammies – this is the easiest way to support LCS doing things you are already doing! Share this page with your friends and family earn even more free money for LCS!
Minted’s fundraising program. You save 20%. We donate 15%. Use code FUNDRAISELIBERTY
to support Liberty Corner School Parent Teacher Organization. Shop Minted.
Never lost and always found! Use a very simple, easy and awesome technique to keep your
kid’s stuff organized.
25% of the sales will go to Liberty Corner PTO.
Show your LCS SPIRIT IN STYLE! SHOP HERE A portion of the spirit wear sales comes back to our school – select 1 of 12 customized school designs & get those items sent directly to your home.

NEW! Download the BoxTops for Education App and scan your receipts for instant credit to LCS! You can also send your Box Tops to school in an envelope marked with your student’s teacher’s name, grade + “Box Tops.” Click Here to download the FREE app and earn even more for LCS!!!
NEW! Do you have a Microsoft email account (ex. Hotmail, Outlook, etc)? Link your account to the Liberty Corner School Parent Teacher Organization and your rewards turn into $ for our PTO. Sign up at